Red Velvet Cheesecake

Every year around this time, I get the urge to build a mailbox.

Don’t look at me like that. I blame my elementary school teachers. At the beginning of almost every February, my teachers would pull out construction paper, glue, stickers, markers, and paint, and we’d all set to work constructing mailboxes. Sure it wasn’t the most glamorous construction job I’ve ever been a part of, but I was very serious about it nonetheless, because this wasn’t just any mailbox — this was a Valentine’s Day mailbox.

On February 14, we’d all bring in our packets of valentines and circulate about the classroom uncomfortably, dropping one in each of the waiting mailboxes. We tried not to pause too long at anyone’s desk or — heaven forbid — make any accidental eye contact, lest it be misinterpreted during this socially charged process.

Secretly, though, I’d probably spent the night before carefully selecting the perfect Strawberry Shortcake Valentine for the boy I liked. One that could be interpreted as being totally casual — plausible deniability in case he had no interest in me whatsoever — but was also slightly on the mushy side, in case he was just waiting for a sign of my interest. If I was appending candy to my valentines that year, I probably spent another eternity choosing the candy heart or chocolate that I thought he’d like the very best.

(Yes, I now realize that the boy I liked, in contrast, had probably spent the night before Valentine’s Day being hounded by his mother to at least write his classmates’ names somewhere on the valentines she’d bought for him, eating most of his valentine candy before it got attached to anyone’s card, and playing a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles video game until bed.)

Anyway, when every valentine was passed out and the time had finally come to sit down and empty our mailboxes, I was always breathless with suspense. Imagine the possibilities! Forget bills and junk mail — these mailboxes were carefully crafted to hold L-O-V-E. Every year I fully expected to receive a long letter handwritten by the boy I liked (actually, any boy would’ve done. Or a secret admirer? Yes, please!) detailing the many, MANY reasons he was smitten with me. He might even include a phone number. Maybe a special conversation heart. Maybe an engagement ring! You never know.

Reality was a little disappointing. I’d dump out all the valentines and quickly shuffle through the boring ones — Scooby Doo holding a bunch of flowers and saying, “Rees are for Roo, Valentine!” or Power Rangers crying, “It’s Morphin’ Time, Valentine!” My eagle eyes were looking for two things: candy and handwritten messages. Candy because it would sustain me on my arduous journey toward discovering the love of my life, and handwritten messages from said love.

Was his heartfelt letter to me in this envelope? Nope, a smurf card. How about this one? Nope, an I Love Lucy valentine — you can tell Mom picked those out. How about the envelope with a heart drawn on the front? Nope, that was from my BFF. Thanks a lot for getting my hopes up, girl. Slowly but surely, my stack dwindled. One after another, the valentines were slapped down onto my “read” pile with barely more than a glance. Finally, the fateful moment came when I’d read and dismissed the very last card.

No proposal. No secret admirer. Not even a lousy paragraph about my eyes being like the sun or something. Nothin’. At this point I’d probably look at my crush across the classroom and sigh, appreciating the suave way in which he used his lollipop as a sword to launch attacks against his friend’s ear.

Childhood is rough. Adulthood is a lot better. Yes, there are bills and junk mail in my mailbox now. And unfortunately, I didn’t get to MAKE my mailbox. And, okay, I’m not going to get a pile of colorful valentines, some of which are boasting candy.

But here’s why adulthood rocks. This year, when Christof Van Snufterplucken (names changed to protect the innocent — or lame) doesn’t turn off his video game long enough to write me a love letter about how awesome I am, I can remedy my disappointment in a mature, adult way: by making and eating a ridiculous amount of cheesecake. Red Velvet Cheesecake, to be exact.

Reader Victoria first gave me the idea for a Red Velvet Cheesecake back in November and I thought it sounded fantastic! She made a beautiful layer-cake-like version, and I went the cheesecake-like route. This ultimate Valentine’s dessert includes an oreo crust filled with layers of ganache, creamy cheesecake, and moist red velvet cake decorated with ganache and cream cheese frosting. Perhaps this is obvious, but apart from being pretty (especially when served with chocolate-covered strawberries and white chocolate hearts), this thing is delicious, indulgent, and yes, romantic. So even if your crush loves radioactive reptilian ninjas more than you, you can have your own little slice o’ love.

Tell me about one of your elementary school crushes. Did you ever receive a fantastic valentine in school?

Red Velvet Cheesecake

Recipe by: Willow Bird Baking
Yield: 11-13 pieces

Crust Ingredients:
32 chocolate sandwich cookies, finely processed into crumbs
5 1/3 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted and cooled
Small pinch of salt

Ganache Ingredients:
3/4 cups heavy cream
10 oz. bittersweet or semisweet chocolate, finely chopped (I used half semisweet and half bittersweet)

Cake Ingredients:
1/4 cup vegetable shortening
1 egg
1 tablespoon cocoa
1/4 teaspoon salt
3/4 cups sugar
1/2 teaspoon vanilla
1/2 cup buttermilk
1 1/4 cups flour
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 tablespoon white vinegar
1 ounce red food coloring

Filling Ingredients:
3 (8 oz.) packages cream cheese, at room temperature
1 cup sugar
1½ tablespoons all-purpose flour
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
3 large eggs

Decorative Toppings (optional):
2 oz. cream cheese, at room temperature
2 tablespoons butter, at room temperature
1 cup confectioners’ sugar, sifted
white chocolate for drizzling

Note on cheesecake making: Cheesecakes are simple and super customizable. New to cheesecake making? Watch my 6 minute Cheesecake Video Tutorial for visual assistance!

Note on scheduling: This cake is easily separated into two days of preparation, and can be prepared ahead of time. On day one, prepare the red velvet cake, cool it, and freeze it. On day two, prepare the cheesecake. You can then assemble and decorate right away, or leave this for day three.

Make the cake: Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Line the bottom and the sides of an 9-inch round cake pan with parchment paper, leaving an overhang on two opposite sides to make it easier to lift the cake out of the pan when it’s done. Cream shortening, sugar, and eggs. Make a paste of the cocoa and coloring and add to the shortening mixture. Add salt and vanilla. Add buttermilk alternately with the flour, beginning and ending with flour. Mix vinegar and soda right before using and add to mixture by folding in. Pour batter into the cake pan and bake at 350 degrees for 20-25 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted into the center of the cake comes out clean. Cool completely, cover in wax paper, and freeze for 30 minutes or until firm.

Make the cheesecake: To make the crust, preheat the oven to 350˚ F. Butter a 9-inch springform pan and place it on a baking sheet. Combine the chocolate cookie crumbs, melted butter and salt in a small bowl. Toss with a fork to moisten all of the crumbs. Press into a thin layer covering the bottom and sides of the springform pan (at least 3 inches up the sides).

Bring the cream to a simmer in a medium saucepan. Place the chocolate in a medium bowl. Once the cream reaches a simmer, pour the cream over the chocolate and let stand 1-2 minutes. Whisk in small circles until a smooth ganache has formed. Pour 1 – 1.5 cups of the ganache over the bottom of the crust. Freeze until the ganache layer is firm, about 30 minutes. Reserve the remaining ganache; cover and let stand at room temperature for later decorating.

Preheat the oven to 350˚ F and position a rack in the middle of the oven. In the bowl of an electric mixer fitted with the paddle attachment, beat the cream cheese and sugar on medium-high speed until well blended. Beat in the flour. Add in the vanilla and beat until well incorporated, scraping down the sides of the bowl as needed. Beat in the eggs one at a time, scraping down the bowl between each addition.

Pour the filling over the cold ganache in the crust. Place the springform pan on a rimmed baking sheet. Bake until the top is lightly browned, puffed and cracked at the edges, and the center moves only very slightly when the pan is lightly shaken, about 1 hour. Transfer to a wire cooling rack. Cool at room temperature for at least 30 minutes. Transfer to the refrigerator and let cool at least 3 hours, until completely chilled and set.

Assemble topping: Whip room temperature ganache to create a fluffy texture perfect for piping. In a separate bowl, mix together cream cheese, butter, and confectioners’ sugar to make a small amount of cream cheese frosting for decorating.

Assemble the cheesecake: Wrap a warm towel around the outside of the springform pan to help loosen the crust from the sides. Carefully remove the springform. Transfer the cake to a serving platter. Here, you can schmear some ganache on the cheesecake to help the red velvet cake adhere. I didn’t, but it’s a good idea. Then place your red velvet cake layer on top of cheesecake (right side up). Decorate top of cake with drizzled white chocolate, piped cream cheese frosting, whipped ganache, and strawberries.

P.S. Who could this photographer be shooting my cheesecake? Find out this coming Wednesday!

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Filed under cakes

156 responses to “Red Velvet Cheesecake

  1. seeing this beautiful cake, when you said mailbox I KNEW that’s what you were talking about!! I loved that time of year each year… and I loved those Valentines. A couple years ago I bought a few boxes of those little kid valentines and gave them to all of my friends and some coworkers… 🙂 it was REALLY fun and everyone loved it.

    this cake looks wonderfully delicious… two of my favorites!

  2. Meggie Wallace

    Suspense until Wednesday!! AHHH!!!!!!

    I love the look of this cheesecake, and am SOOO glad you posted this! I had been thinking about looking up a red velvet cheese cake…. looks so wonderful. Yay!

    All my valentines were pretty lame. The best I can think of was in high school, from my boyfriend (now husband), who made a silly heart with feet and a face. I think I still have that somewhere!!!

  3. I think this is one of my favorite posts so far! It had me cracking up (because it was so, so true)! And that cake looks insanely good.

  4. This looks divine, leaves me dreaming of making such a creation, but i know mine will look like the kindergarten version 🙂

  5. Your writing in this one is superb. I skipped right down memory lane, back into fifth grade…

    Not on Valentine’s Day, but on the last day of school, I found a poem carefully scrolled in cursive and two dried flowers tucked inside. My secret admirer had written a poem about his feelings for me.

    In eleventh grade, I got a Facebook message from the guy I’d crushed on all through fifth grade. He confessed to writing the poem. As for the flowers, he said his mom told him to press flowers into his favorite book and they would soak up and convey all the words he couldn’t say.

    Moral of the story: there are good men out there and they start with lovely mothers.

    And, you’re right. There’s always cheesecake.

  6. Hilarious and so true!!! The night before spent deciding what to write on valentines (should I write “dear Christof” or just “hey Christof”?!?). What a beautiful cheesecake! Love it! No exciting Valentines tales for me till high school. I suspect TMNT video games were to blame! 🙂

  7. Your story speaks to me on a totally relatable level! I think everyone has experienced something similar. Love the cake!!

  8. This looks amazing, and is by far one of the prettiest desserts I’ve ever seen!

  9. I used to go through all the cheap box kids valentines, evaluating the messages on each of them (like of course I couldn’t give a “Would You Be My Valentine?” note to a boy I didn’t like!). I made lists and got them all perfectly assigned to the right kids.

    And I’m pretty sure no one ever noticed…haha oh well!

    This cake looks BEYOND. Great work!

  10. I had a crush that lasted from kindergarten through fourth grade. When I was in second grade, he was invited to my birthday party (at Chuck E. Cheese). He was the only boy. He wrapped my present in wedding paper. Sigh…true love…

    Gorgeous cheesecake, by the way!

  11. I was in love with a kid who was a cartoonist in elementary school. He drew fantastic little knights in shining armor, fighting off evil dragons to save the princess (moi) from her world of drudgery on Valentine’s Day and every day after that. I got tired of the cartoons about two months later and ended it. Now he’s a rockstar and I keep the box of cartoons in the basement of my parents’ home so I can say I knew him when…

  12. Over the top! Decadent! Ummmm…Yummm! My favorite! Gorg presentation and I can just taste that creaminess! Book marking this one for sure! Thanks for sharing! (found this post on twitter) – Kim

  13. OH. MY. GOODNESS. I want. Can you figure out how to ship one? I’d really really like a cheesecake…

  14. Julie–you are so talented. weaving a story and beautifully decorating this cheesecake, which looks sublime. I never got those special Vday cards either. I think boys are a bit more sheepish about those things or just daft. My crush in fifth grade however…we would discuss the essentials (WWF world wrestling federation) and never did I let him know I had a crush on him. He even visited me at my house, which gave me hope, but I heard that he liked someone else. It wasn’t until 6th grade, after he moved away that our mutual friend told me he DID have a crush on me. Awww–sweet innocent love at the ripe age of 10.

  15. Cynthia Coffin

    My valentine day memory would have to be Feb 1961, 3rd grade, Vernon Norris. On that day I recieved the largest heart shaped box of chocolate covered cherries Elizabethtown has ever seen. I wasn’t ready for a boy friend, so my Mother went to bed that night surrounded by empty candy papers and a big smile. Her nightly crossword puzzles, to be finished the next evening.

  16. Oh how I remember the days of being so hopeful about V-Day cards…wishing and praying that SOME! ANY! boy in the class would have a crush on me and would send me a super special one. Sigh. never happened.

    But, like you. I see this cake in my future. I’m in love.

  17. Beautiful! I always hoped for the same thing in school, but always had the same results. It doesn’t matter thought because you’re completely right; celebrating with this is much better 😉

  18. No fantastic valentines, but, man, I would have loved to get a piece of that cheesecake in my carefully constructed mailbox! Looks beautiful. Can’t wait to hear about the mystery photographer.

  19. Yum yum yum, I’ll have a large slice, please!

    I never got any exciting Valentine’s cards, but my friend in college received a DOOR in the mail, all covered in messages and then wrapped in paper! hahaha

    Hope you’re feeling better 🙂 xxx

  20. This is absolutely gorgeous! I’d so love a slice of that for Valentine’s Day! Being an elementary school teacher on Valentine’s Day is so much fun- my kids are young enough just to love getting those cute little cards and candy. No boyfriend/girlfriend stuff to mess it all up! 🙂

  21. This is so elegant. If I’m in charge of Valentine’s Day dinner, this could be on the menu. Fortunately, I can barely remember all those tortuous Valentine’s Days of old. I do remember my mother made me give everyone a card. Not everyone was so kind.

  22. This looks incredible!!! I totally remember the same type of Valentine’s Days as a kid. I’d say the Red Velvet Cheesecake wins!

  23. I just absolutely love the way this cheesecake looks! The fanciful icing on top is so whimsy! LOL…love it. And I just wanted to say the word “whimsy” because it’s fun. :-p

    BTW, I saw the blooper reel of your video for making cheesecake and almost died laughing. LOL. You are so cute!

  24. I am spechless and that is rare…WOW!

  25. Absolutely gorgeous! The best Valentine’s Day dessert I’ve EVER seen! 🙂

  26. Tiffany

    This looks so lovely!

  27. I absolutely love the idea of combining a cheesecake with red velvet!! YUM! You should consider entering this cake into Recipe4Living’s 5th Birthday Recipe Contest! The site is turning 5 years old, and we’re giving away a Scharffen Berger gift basket to the top birthday cake that’s submitted!

  28. Oh Julie. You have done it again! This cake is absolutely stunning! I just wish that I liked red velvet cake! I can’t wait until Wednesday (tomorrow) to find out about that man. I know it’s probably something amazing knowing how talented you are!

  29. I can’t top what anyone else has said. This looks amazing and I’m sure tastes just as amazing. I was looking for something really special for Valentine’s day this year and it looks like this is it. Thanks for sharing.

  30. This is love in cake form…deep passionate love. I need this. I’m so making this for myself for Valentines day!

  31. OMG!!! All my favorites in one cake!! Congratulations, that looks spectacular! Thanks so much for posting…..hope I bake that this Valentines Day!

  32. This is almost sinful! I need a slice NOW!!!

  33. Maggie

    Thank you for this AMAZING looking and I am sure AMAZING decadent dessert! I LOVE this and can’t wait to make it, you are AMAZING! Thanks for sharing =D

  34. Now I want to make a mailbox in hopes that someone will fill it up with love letters for me! Not gonna happen. ha!

    This cheesecake cake looks fantastic. Red velvet is one of my favorites and with a layer of cheesecake? yes, please!

  35. Vivian

    This looks so good! I may have to try a LC version soon! 🙂 Whatever did you do with ALL that cheesecake? 🙂

  36. g

    hey julie, i wanna make this for valentines day but im not sure if i can get vegetable shortening in the stores. what is the next best substitute? 🙂

  37. Teal Cuttlefish

    I have put a kibosh on Valentine’s day; I say I’d rather have a gift any other day when the price isn’t inflated. A small token would be all right, but after years of marriage, isn’t really required. (18 years!)

    However, I showed this cake to my spouse, and he would love to have it for his birthday on the 5th of February! So I will make a list of what I need to purchase. Since I’m disabled and can’t work in the kitchen for hours at a time, I will be using the extended schedule to make this cake, thanks so much for breaking it down into smaller parts!

  38. Our school-time Valentines were different – teachers frowned upon stuff like that. But yeah, we waited and waited for our secret admirers to send us stuff – never once considering HOW those sweet nothings would get to us since we were separated into different sections!

    Once I was told that someone was going to send me a Valentine card, but it got confiscated by the teacher! LOL.

    Gorgeous cake!

  39. Sue

    I remember in the fifth grade my “crush” wrote our initials on the palm of his hand, and I drew “Peanuts”(the comic strip) pictures for him that he taped to the inside of his desk(the kind of desk where the top lifts up and you can look at it:))
    This cheesecake is AMAZING!!!

  40. Ash

    Oh my! This has got to be the best looking cheese cake EVER!!

  41. Amanda

    Thank you so much for the recipe! I am planning to make this for Valentine’s day for my sweetheart.

    One question for you- How did you get the crust over both parts of the cake? (Maybe I’m just reading the recipe wrong, but I want to make sure I know as much as possible for this before I attempt it. 🙂 )

    • Hi Amanda! I just push the crust up about 3 to 3.5 inches (almost all the way up the pan). When I bake the cheesecake, there’s a ridge of crust sticking up over it. I then lay the frozen red velvet cake right down into that extra crust. sometimes it doesn’t quite cover it, but sometimes it does! You can also use a long serrated knife to shorten your red velvet layer if it ends up too tall. Hope that helps!

  42. wow, you have wowed me yet again. what an amazing looking cake!

  43. Emily

    Lovely looking cake! I’ve misplaced my food processor so i was wondering, about how many ounces does the 32 cookies translate into if i were to use premade crumbs?

  44. Oh my! This cheesecake looks extremely delicious! Way better than the Cheesecake Factory version, I’m sure!

  45. Pingback: Three Delicious Ways to Celebrate World Nutella Day | Willow Bird Baking

  46. Cheryle

    Hi, this cheesecake looks yummy delicious so I was thinking about making it, but as read through the recipe it seems to be missing some directions/ingredients such as in the crust preparation – it says preheat oven, but no where does it say bake the crust and in the ganache preparation, it mentions adding the coffee flavored liqueur but this item is not mentioned in the list of ingredients. Thank you!

  47. true word77

    love it! this look great hon! xx

  48. Pingback: Non-Thursday Sweet: Red Velvet Cheesecake | Lulu & Jawaher: Life & Beyond

  49. Love it! I tried it today and everyone loved it. Mine didn’t come out nearly as pretty as yours of course but it was good nevertheless. Had problems with assembling the crust though.

    • I think it’s just gorgeous!! Great job!

      What troubles did you have with the crust? It can kind of stick to the glass as you pack it down, so I do a “press and twist” motion. I also make sure it’s well-pulverized and mixed so it sticks together, but even then, it’s a process! It always takes me a bit to get it right.

  50. Deb Cummings

    WHAT A GREAT READ! Thank you for bringing back some great memories. I can remember the first time we were allowed to use aluminum foil on the box, it sure added a lot of pizazz to the festivities. This recipe has got to be my favorite. I can’t wait to make it. I really enjoy your blog. Keep up the good work. I hope all is well with your mom and dad and your family. Your cousin did some work for my mom on her plumbing. Judy’s boys are all so cute.

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  54. Emma

    Just a question about freezing the cake. I’ve never worked with a recipe that requires freezing a cake before – do you defrost it before placing on top of the cheesecake layer, or place it on frozen? And if you’re working to the two day schedule, do you leave the cake in the freezer until you’ve made the cheesecake?


    • Hi Emma! Freezing the cake layer makes it easier to work with. I got this tip from Smitten Kitchen and now I do it before leveling cake layers, assembling a layer cake, etc.!

      I place it on frozen — the stiffness helps to facilitate this process without the cake falling apart. Then I stick the whole thing in the fridge assembled and the red velvet cake defrosts (doesn’t take long before you can cut into it). Regarding the 2-day schedule, yep, I just leave it in there.

      • Emma

        Thank you, Julie, I appreciate you taking the time to reply!

      • Emma

        Well, mine is in the oven but I think it’s going to be a disaster of epic proportions, as the cheesecake batter ended up the consistency of double cream. My fault – I used the beaters on my hand-held mixer as I don’t have a paddle attachment, and even though I set it at the slowest speed, it became liquid within about five seconds. I’m hoping that it’ll sort itself out in the oven.

        Oh well, live and learn! I’ll do it all by hand next time.

  55. Rebecca M

    This looks great! How did you get the chocolate (it looks like more oreo crumbs…but it’s almost too thick to be that…) on the side?

    • Hi Rebecca, Thanks! The crust is pulverized oreos, and they’re smooshed up against the sides and packed on the bottom with a straight-edged glass 🙂

      • Rebecca M

        So you just smushed them on after you put the two layers together??

        • No — the recipe will walk you through it. You place the pulverized oreos in the springform pan first and use a glass to smush them up against the sides and bottom of the springform. You then put your unbaked cheesecake mixture into the crust (the crust will stick up higher than the mixture) and bake it. After it cools, you place the cake down on top of the cheesecake.

          • Rebecca M

            OHH!! Okay I understand now! I must have missed the part about the crust being higher than the actual cheesecake…thank you!!!

  56. i’m going to give this a try. i’m craving for some good red velvet cheescake, thanks!

  57. Cathy

    This has to go to the top of my priority list of must-make-now!! Super awesome!!

  58. Pingback: Inspiration Du Jour: Part II | HLW

  59. Fabulous, saw this on Pinterest! As a red velvet cake fan and a cheesecake fan and loving the one at Cheesecake Factory, I really need to make this! Thanks a ton.

  60. Helen

    On the cake part, it says: Flour, but the filling part says: All-purpose flour.
    Is it all-purpose flour, or should it be cake flour (like Swan’s?)

    And just regular food coloring?

    I’m gonna try to make it this week! It will be my first cheese cake and red velvet cake I’ve ever made!

    • Hi Helen! It’s all all-purpose flour and yes, regular food coloring. I hope you love it! This is a fun cake to make and comes out looking fancy without too much work. Let me know if you have any other questions along the way!

      • Helen

        The cakes worked out quite well. The only thing was that the red velvet cake didn’t fit exactly over the cheesecake. The cheesecake seemed bigger even though they were both 9 inch pans.

        The red velvet cake didn’t “adhere” to the cheesecake… maybe I should have used some ganache? 😉 I don’t think my crust was high enough either. But it tasted great!

        I realized I wasn’t supposed to put the ganache on top of the red velvet either (after I looked at yours again). But I realized I did this because of the wider width of the cheesecake. I suppose it was to hide that fact so it wasn’t so noticeable. So I have a crescent moon design with the ganache. =)

        I made a few recipe adjustments but still turned out fine… wish I could send you a slice!

        P.S. I send you my FB pictures link!

  61. Jim

    What a fabulous presentation of that gorgeous cheesecake! I absolutely love red velvet cheesecake and just the pictures make my mouth water.

  62. Thank you for the lovely pics and great reading instructions, with the tutorials – I can’t wait to try this cake and the pumpkin one

  63. I love this recipe and blog…I posted it on my community foodie blog. Hope you can come check it out

    Also, feel free to post you’re recipes or you’re favourite foodie tips on it whenever you like!

  64. Trudy

    Hi Julie!
    A baker and an author; I enjoyed the story just as much as the cake. 🙂
    I wanted to know what makes the crust stay up the sides and not crumble apart. Is it the ganache?

  65. Kelly

    In your other cheesecakes you mention some sort of “glue” between layers – ganache or caramel. Is there a glue between the cheescake and red velvet cake layers?

    • Hi Kelly, I usually don’t add anything between layers — which cheesecake were you referring to? I think I might’ve in the birthday cake cheesecake because it was a little less steady than the others.

      In this cheesecake, I don’t add anything between the cheesecake and cake layer. I find when chilled together, they stay together nicely. If you wanted to be sure, you could reserve some of the ganache from the beginning of the recipe and add a layer of ganache between the cheesecake and cake layers. Hope that helps!

  66. Kelly

    It does help. Thanks. You used it in the birthday cheesecake and in the caramel fudge brownie cake.
    I think I will make this and/or croissants this weekend. My friend is making the birthday cheesecake.

  67. Kelly

    Done! I am embarrassed to show you though. I suck at decorating and had some crust issues. And my layers won’t stick together. Boo!! I will try to take the prettiest pic possible then send it along.

    • Don’t be embarrassed!!! I’m sure it’s lovely! I can’t wait to see. And definitely let me know how it TASTES!!

      • Kelly

        Here you go: and far away deliberately). I’m not a red velvet fan so to be that part’s just OK. This is good because it means I won’t eat the entire thing in one day. Just a quarter per day. The cheesecake layer is delicious! I will do this again maybe with another flavour and some sort of “glue” or I may just do one of your other cheesecakes.

        • Kelly, it looks AWESOME! I can’t believe you’re embarrassed — it looks perfect to me! So glad you like it, too! Whose the red velvet fiend in your house that convinced you to make it? 😉

          I bet you’ll also love my favorite cheesecake, the Caramel Fudge Brownie cheesecake, or my close second (sometimes tied for first!), Coffee Cookie Dough Fudge Cheesecake. They’re totally insane!

          CONGRATULATIONS on making such a beauty!!

  68. Kelly

    I made the red velvet because I love the color contrast with the cheesecake layer. Also, I knew that I would eat less of it. Unfortunately,that has backfired because the slice I had for breakfast was DELICIOUS. Yes, I said breakfast.

    Oh and I made the first batch of croissants last night. I didn’t use your recipe as I have a sourdough starter but the recipe is pretty similar. I did follow your directions though. I’m not good at rolling and all that. And there was oozing. But I powered through.

    As the first set baked, I thought, wow, I don’t care what they taste like, the house smells AMAZING right now. I waited about 30 seconds before biting into one and OH. MY. GOODNESS. It was 2:30 am and I had to call someone to tell them that I had died and gone to heaven.

    A picture? Huh? I was supposed to take a pic before I devoured them? Oops. I do have half my dough left so you will get a picture soon. I want to be a Croissant master too! I hope to fill some with some form of meat filling. Laminated doughs are dangerous. THANK YOU!!

    • Wahoo!! You are totally a superhero right now! Layered cheesecake AND croissants in one week! I’m so impressed!

      AND SO GLAD YOU LOVED THE CROISSANTS. Aren’t they just the most amazing things, with all that butter folded in? I need to make some more soon! I love the idea of a meat filling. Yum.

      Definitely send me a photo of the next batch, you croissant master, you! Oh, and don’t worry about the cheesecake for breakfast — I know how that goes. I don’t judge… 😉

      Congrats on lots of kitchen accomplishments!

  69. This sounds amazing, I plan to try a gluten free version, thanks so much for this fabulous recipe!

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