Celebrating Cheesecake — and a challenge for you!

Taylor from Taylor Takes a Taste tweeted me yesterday with a very, very important message: Today is National Cheesecake Day! Well, okay, it’s actually National White Chocolate Cheesecake Day, but I’ve never made a white chocolate cheesecake, so just ignore that part. I’ll add it to my to-do list.

In order to celebrate, I thought I’d compile Willow Bird Baking’s many cheesecake recipes and issue a challenge for you!

My goal is to inspire kitchen confidence in home cooks by encouraging them to tackle fun, challenging new recipes. So I’m challenging you this month! Here’s what you do:

Choose one of the cheesecake recipes below that feels like a challenge to you and make it for friends, family, or coworkers.

– Take a photo and email it to me at juruble ‘at’ gmail ‘dot’ com with a few comments about how it went and a link to your blog (if you have one — if you don’t, that’s okay too!).

– Do this before April 5, 2011. In exactly a month, I’ll post all of your cheesecake masterpieces here on Willow Bird Baking!

– You can also grab the badge at the bottom of this post if you’d like to let your readers know that you’re participating in the Cheesecake Challenge, but it’s optional.

If you’d like to participate, leave me a comment below and let me know! If you’ve already made one of the recipes below, that counts too! Just send me a photo!

Willow Bird Baking’s Cheesecake Recipes:

1. Coffee Cookie Dough Fudge Cheesecake

2. Red Velvet Cheesecake

3. Caramel Fudge Brownie Cheesecake

4. Chocolate Peanut Butter Bliss Cheesecake

5. Blueberry Lemon Cheesecake Cupcakes

6. Chocolate Cheesecake-Stuffed Cupcakes with Ganache

7. Lemon Blueberry Cheesecake Squares with Shortbread Crust

8. Marbled Chocolate Cheesecake Brownies

9. Pumpkin Cheesecake Bread Pudding

And don’t forget to watch my (slightly embarrassing) cheesecake tutorial for great cheesecake pointers!

Finally, here’s the Cheesecake Challenge badge if you want to grab it:

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Filed under cakes

82 responses to “Celebrating Cheesecake — and a challenge for you!

  1. You are quite the temptress my dear. All of these look absolutely amazing. Now which one to choose…

    • HA! I know my temptations, all right! I think my favorite right now is the Caramel Fudge Brownie Cheesecake, with the Coffee Cookie Dough a close second. The Lemon Blueberry Cheesecake Bars are so good though — they feel kind of light and tangy. Perfect for welcoming spring! 🙂

  2. I may have to take you up on that challenge… and find you on twitter. (I’m @naturalbaker)

  3. Hmmm…. this may need to be on my list for the week 🙂

  4. Sue

    Now the real challenge is picking the one to make. They all look so yummy.

  5. Okay, don’t completely hold me to this, but I am seriously considering doing this – the Red Velvet one…seriously considering.

  6. I kind of hoped the challenge would be to eat as much cheesecake as you can in a month! sounds like a good idea.

  7. Oh my…these all look so good it’ll be hard to choose. (The caramel fudge brownie one though is calling my name. How did you get it to do that?)

  8. Man those are some fantastic cheesecakes! Cheesecake is my favorite but I don’t make it often because I don’t share it, I eat it all!

  9. I love an excuse to bake so I’m in! I really can’t decide which one to choose, think I’ll consult my husband as he will have to eat more so I eat less 🙂

  10. Penny

    I can’t wait to try the two cupcake recipes. I have 4 grandchildren who love cupcakes, so they’ll be my judges.

  11. For some reason, I don’t think making (and obviously) eating a cheesecake is going to help my fitness regime…

    Oh well! Extra Pilates for me! I’m thinking the Coffee Cookie Dough Fudge one sounds like a plan. 🙂 (Also, note to self, follow you on Twitter!)

  12. OMG! I am totally going to do this! I will most likey do one of the cupcake ones so I can blog about it on my cupcake blog. 🙂 But boyyyy do I love cheesecake! ❤

  13. Amazing…
    I was just talking with a friend about your Chocolate Cheesecake-Stuffed Cupcakes with Ganache… and then I saw your post… I’m soooo gonna do them… I’ll blog about it later :o)

    And also I’ve done a red velvet cheesecake that is quite different from yours for mother’s day last year… I’ll email you the pictures (taken with my cell phone, sorry) and recipe later.

  14. dee

    Hi Julie – what a lovely idea! All the recipes sound delish but I think I’ll go with red velvet this time. I just can’t wait to share photos and capture the heartmelting look on my friends’ and colleagues’ faces when they try it!! Do you mind if I share the photos on my cheesecake facebook fan page – dee’s delite? Thanks again & smiles..

  15. Genius. I LOVE cheesecake and will definitely participate!

  16. I didn’t even know you had all these! I made the coffee cookie dough fudge cheesecake this weekend but think I might do more! That pumpkin cheesecake bread pudding sounds delicious!! You KNOW I’m in!

  17. Definitely going to do this! I really like the sound of the Chocolate Peanut Butter Bliss, so put me down for that. Now to find some people to eat it… 🙂

  18. Oh goodness….after baking for several baby showers in the last few weeks I swore I wasn’t going to bake again for a while! But I’ve never made cheesecake before, and Coffee Cookie Dough one sounds amazing. I’m sure my family and friend’s won’t mind just one more sweet treat…

  19. This is so fun! I am going to make your Lemon Blueberry Cheesecake Squares with Shortbread Crust! You just made my husband very happy:-)

  20. Pingback: Monday: A terrible way to spend 1/7th of your life « Southern Sensibility

  21. Hi Julie,

    Those look amazing!! I would like to try the marbled cheese cake brownies.

    I have tried the no-bake variety of cheese cake before, so am excited to try the baked ones.


  22. This is a great idea! Thanks for allowing for so much time! I hate the time crunchers:) I’m going to try and give it a shot!

  23. Pingback: Soft Pretzel Dogs (an homage to Auntie Annie’s Pretzels) | Willow Bird Baking

  24. I’m In! I found your site a few weeks ago and I have been thinking about your cheesecakes ever since. Now you’ve given me a reason to tackle one of them, Coffee Cookie Dough Fudge Cheesecake is the one for me:) I do have one question. Do you use a deeper than usual springform pan? The one I own is 3″ deep, yours seem to come out taller than that.

    • Yay! Thanks for jumping in, Michelle!

      No, my cheesecakes are in a 3″ deep springform pan as well — I squish the crumbs as far up the sides as I can, though. Photos also make things look bigger, I’ve noticed, so they might look deeper than they really are 🙂

  25. Ella

    So just how true to the recipe do we have to actually get?

    Because I am going to do potentially illegal things with that lemon blueberry recipe.

  26. Amy

    Ive never made cheesecake before, and have been slowly working towards “kitchen confidence” I’m definitely going to give this a try!

    • YESS!! GO AMY! Let me know if you have ANY questions during the process. It takes a little while, but each step is pretty easy! The hardest part, honestly, is packing the crumbs up the side of the pan, and that just takes the patience to stand there until they stay where they’re told 😉 Can’t WAIT to see your final product!

  27. I just made my first successful cheesecake last month, and my second (a repeat of the same recipe) this weekend. As a result, I’m now on a bit of a cheesecake high, so I can’t wait to try this challenge! I’ve been lusting after that peanut butter cheesecake for, well, ever but have been avoiding making it for the sake of my waistline. The challenge is just the excuse I was looking for!

  28. Ja

    Those cheesecake look awesome, Julie ! I am having a hard time choosing which one I should make. I am in 🙂

  29. Pingback: Mini Apple Pies with Cheddar Crusts | Willow Bird Baking

  30. Hi, I’ve been lurking for awhile and figured this would be a great time to finally comment 🙂 I made your chocolate cheesecake filled cupcakes last night and will be sending you the pics soon- they are delicious!

  31. Pingback: » Cheesecake Challenges Keep It Sweet

  32. Okay…So you had me at Cheesecake. I’m so glad I stumbled upon your site. I’m a cheesecake FREAK! I experimented with my own pumpkin caramel cheesecake this past Thanksgiving. Besides my springform pan busting, it came out beautifully.

    Although I’m super crunched for time these days, I’m seriously thinking about whipping up your peanut butter chocolate cheesecake…and by seriously, I mean I will be 🙂

  33. Pingback: Three Safe-to-Eat Cookie Doughs: Chocolate Chip, Sugar, and Cake Batter! | Willow Bird Baking

  34. Not sure yet which one I am going to do. So many awesome choices!

  35. Hey,

    Am planning to bake the lemon blueberry cheesecake… I just hope that I find the blueberries here in India…this challenge is damn interesting and I might just improve upon my baking skills….


  36. WOW, I am going to have to try the Coffee Cookie Dough Fudge recipe. But I can’t possibly eat all of it, so I may have to have a cheesecake party for this one. Looks like an incredible dessert!

  37. I have just started my own baking blog and was going to do something savory for my second post… but now I think it’s going to be Chocolate Peanut Butter Bliss Cheesecake. My daughter is peanut butter’s biggest fan!

    I will have to make a couple of changes though as some of the ingredients aren’t available here — and I can’t do the gelatine because of being vegetarian 😀

    • Hurray! I hope your daughter loves it!

      I wonder if, for the mousse, you can sweeten and whip cream to stiff peaks and fold a bit of melted, cooled peanut butter mixture into the cream to make a “mousse”? Let me know what you decide!

  38. Pingback: Chocolate Peanut Butter Bliss Cheesecake « Baking with my Two-Year-Old

  39. Pam

    Finished my cake about a week ago (I’m the Pam Gabriel who left a comment on your FB page :P) and I’m about to send you some pictures and the story behind it!

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