Three Safe-to-Eat Cookie Doughs: Chocolate Chip, Sugar, and Cake Batter!

I’m siiiiick. If you follow Willow Bird Baking on Facebook or Twitter (you do, right?), you’ve probably heard me whining about it lately (okay, maybe this isn’t the best way to encourage you to follow).

It started with a sore throat and has turned into a beastly, phlegmatic ogre of a cold that has taken up residence in my chest and commenced hanging draperies and such. I have protested this development with various hot teas, soups, and my favorite home remedy suggested by readers: complaining.

I know my students are to blame for this plague! They’ve been dropping like flies recently. A wave of 6th graders was sick early in the year, and then 7th grade took a nose dive. At one point almost half the class was home in bed, weeping at the thought of missing their fantastic language arts class and writing pickup essays in fond remembrance of healthier days. That’s what students do when they’re home sick, right?

I can’t stay home until I’m better, but I do tend to baby myself when I’m sick. Take, for instance, the vat of spicy crab chowder and loaf of sourdough bread I allowed myself to eat yesterday under the guise of “feeding a cold” (not that I starve a fever or anything).

And I’m not even going to mention the amount of this cookie dough I consumed over the weekend. I’m sure cookie dough has, like, vitamins and stuff.

If nothing else, cookie dough is good for the soul. As a child, my idea of adulthood was finally getting to sit down with a tube of technically-unsafe-to-eat-before-baking cookie dough, slice it open, and eat the whole thing — no parental scolding involved.

And now, look how far I’ve come: this weekend I made not one, but three kinds of cookie dough! Not only that, but they’re all eggless and therefore actually safe to eat.

Chocolate chip cookie dough recipes are popular and easy to find, but safe-to-eat sugar cookie dough is a bit more elusive. I developed the recipe below from a regular sugar cookie recipe. But the dough that really takes the cake (literally!) is the Cake Batter Cookie Dough.

Jessica at How Sweet It Is has been going cake batter crazy lately, and I’m loving it! Inspired, I decided to create a rich cookie dough that tastes like buttery yellow cake batter, complete with sprinkles. There’s just something wonderful about food that tastes like a birthday party.

Oh, and are you wondering about those truffles in the photos? Stay tuned — I’ll tell you all about those soon, along with yet another awesome use for cookie dough!

So, in summary: I’m sick. My students are sick. We’re all sick. Eat cookie dough.

Safe-to-Eat Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough

Recipe by: Adapted from Family Fun Magazine
Yields: about 1 1/2-2 cups cookie dough

1/2 cup butter, softened
3/4 cup light brown sugar, packed
1 cup all-purpose flour
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon vanilla extract
1 cup semisweet chocolate chips
4 to 6 tablespoons water

In a medium bowl, cream together the butter and sugar. Stir in the flour, salt, vanilla and chocolate chips. Add the water one tablespoon at a time stirring between each, until the dough reaches cookie dough consistency.

Safe-to-Eat Sugar Cookie Dough

Recipe by: Willow Bird Baking
Yields: about 1 1/2-2 cups cookie dough

1 1/3 cups and 1 tablespoon all-purpose flour
1/2 cup butter, softened
3/4 cup white sugar
1-2 tablespoons water
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract

In a medium bowl, cream together butter and sugar for 2-3 minutes until light, fluffy, and pale yellow. Mix in flour and vanilla. Add water one tablespoon at a time, mixing after each, until you reach cookie dough consistency.

Safe-to-Eat Cake Batter Cookie Dough

Recipe by: Willow Bird Baking
Yields: about 1 1/2-2 cups cookie dough

1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
2/3 cup yellow cake mix
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup unsalted butter, room temperature
1/2 cup granulated white sugar
1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
2 tablespoons sprinkles
4-8 tablespoons water

In a medium bowl, cream together butter and sugar for 2-3 minutes until light, fluffy, and pale yellow. Mix in salt, flour, cake mix, sprinkles, and vanilla. Add water one tablespoon at a time, mixing after each, until you reach cookie dough consistency.

P.S. Don’t forget about the Cheesecake Challenge! Choose any one of 9 cheesecake recipes to prepare within the next month. Email a photo to me by 4/5/2011 to be featured on Willow Bird Baking! Get more details about the challenge here.

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Filed under cookies, other

104 responses to “Three Safe-to-Eat Cookie Doughs: Chocolate Chip, Sugar, and Cake Batter!

  1. I hope you’re feeling better soon! I love cookie dough and honestly don’t care if it has eggs or not – I’ll continue to eat it. πŸ™‚

  2. I’m in love! This seems like the best way to cure a cold. While some people lose their appetite when they get sick, I am the exact opposite. Bring on the cookie dough:-)

  3. I’m glad you liked my suggestion! I love you for giving me recipes for no-egg cookie dough! Feel better soon πŸ™‚

  4. AMAZING!!! I’m really really hoping those are cake batter truffles πŸ™‚

  5. Poor you, i am impressed that you still created some amazing cookie doughs. I think my daughter will be like you – she loves the batter or dough but not the cake or cookie…

  6. Sounds perfect to me!! I can’t wait to see what more you have done with these!

  7. Ooo girl I hope you feel better! I have a feeling that cookie dough has antimicrobial properties. Somewhere in there. It must.

    My mother still yells at me for eating cookie dough. And cake batter. And cupcake batter. basically she calls me and starts the conversation by yelling at me to stop eating raw eggs because most of the time when she calls, I am knee deep in a batter of some kind.

    I love these! Now I can eat cookie dough self righteously and totally virtuously and salmonella-free!

  8. Kristin Knight

    The cake batter is the one I’m going to have the hardest time resisting! This sounds like the perfect thing to alleviate tax preparation anxiety as well!

  9. Peta-Maree

    funny coincidence, just before reading this post, my 3yr old son and I made ANZAC slice (an Aussie thing with golden syrup, melted butter, oats, coconut, brown sugar and plain flour) which is our favourite “raw” dough to make…its supposed to make biscuits but my laziness get the better of me and I make it into a slice! Delicious raw or cooked!

    P.S. Hope you’re feeling better soon…..

  10. Eating cookie dough sounds like a reasonable way to heal ;)…feel better!

  11. Oh wow, this is kinda evil. πŸ™‚ Now I know what I will be making next time I get one of my late night sugar cravings. Hope you feel better soon!

  12. These look awesome! Hope you feel better! I made an eggless choc chip and fried it like they do at the State Fair of Texas. Delicious!

  13. This is GENIUS!!! I love cookie dough even more than cookies… I think I might go have some for brunch πŸ™‚ Thanks for posting!

  14. out-of-control!! that looks so good. perfect for a girls night in, or nursing yourself back to health:)

  15. This is sooo dangerous!!

    Feel better soon! I think those rainbow sprinkles must have lots of vitamins! Just like eating fruit. πŸ™‚

  16. oh no, feel better!

    these look amazing πŸ™‚

  17. Ummm…heck yes! All three of these look delicious and I can’t wait to try them! And Julie, I feel your pain regarding being sick. I just posted a recipe for a very healing beverage on my blog, in case you need a pick-me-up. πŸ™‚ Here’s hoping we both feel better soon!

  18. I love this.. I could eat cookie dough by the bowl full and now I can do it without feeling guilty πŸ™‚ Oh and cookie dough totally has vitamins in it.

  19. Sandra Mort

    I don’t personally like (or understand liking) raw cookie dough, but Aunt Big’s gingersnaps are egg free and the dough is tasty (though it still has the yucky texture of raw dough). I make it with expeller pressed coconut oil, too. Mmm!

  20. First, I hope you are feeling better real soon. Second,oh my! Cookie dough is an all time favorite of mine. Love that you can eat these without the worry of raw eggs.

  21. Cutest post Julie-I love that you’ve done safe to eat cookie doughs! πŸ˜€ And I hope you feel better soon! I can imagine those naughty kids are responsible for felling their teacher! πŸ˜‰

  22. Pingback: Cake Batter Cookie Dough Truffles | Willow Bird Baking

  23. I’m making this. Tonight, probably. I hope you’re feeling better!

  24. Lisa

    I’m totally using the chocolate chip cookie dough recipe to make some cookie dough ice cream! I used to love it as a kid. πŸ™‚

  25. Your photos are beautiful and this sounds absolutely delicious

  26. charlotte

    MAking this tonight

  27. Sara

    Middle School students are seriously like little petri dishes. I must wash or purell my hands 10-12 times a day, easy. (I teach ms ELA – sounds like you do too?).

    I’m trying your cookie dough truffles for my Easter baskets – can’t wait! What a genius idea – egg free cookie dough. Love it.

  28. LillyFruit

    Is it possible to bake this?

    • It wouldn’t work out, LillyFruit — this is just for eating the cookie dough. There’s no binder in it to make it bake up properly. For cookies, though, google “vegan cookies” or “eggless cookies” — there are lots of great options!

  29. Katie

    Wow – these look divine! Thank you for the recipes – I am definitely going to have to make them all! One question though – what would be good to ‘dip’ in them? (beside the obvious answer of a spoon πŸ˜‰ )

  30. I. Think. I. Love you. Mmmmm nom nom nom I must go buy chocolate chips now … and sprinkles … and cake batter! I am my mom’s first-born and she was young when she had me so I think I got a bit more spoiled than some kids. She used to let me have the ends of the cookiedough roll. Only the ends though.

  31. Kate

    This may be a really dumb question, but can you bake this cookie dough also, or is it just for eating “raw”? Thanks for the recipe — eggs totally give me the creeps πŸ™‚

    • Not dumb at all! This recipe is just for eating raw — it won’t work if baked. If you search for “egg replacements,” there’s a good method involving using flax seed as an egg substitute, or “eggless cookie recipes” will also turn up some bake-able versions πŸ™‚

  32. I found you through Pinterest. I made the chocolate chip cookie dough and the cake batter cookie dough yesterday as trial runs for a party I’m having. They both turned out great! Thank you!

  33. Courtney

    What do you serve with these? Just scoop them on a plate with spoons or do you have any suggestions like graham crackers or whatever else? Thanks! I can’t wait to make these for my birthday party!

  34. Meg

    I’m making these for a mother’s blessing and I’m going to serve it with graham crackers and pretzels! Yummy. Thanks for posting this =)

  35. now if you can do brownie batter and blueberry muffine batter !!!

  36. will the dough keep for a while because I want to make it for a friend ahead of time xxx

  37. Pingback: Baking Finds «

  38. Katie

    Oh. My. Goodness. I think I just fell in love. CANNOT WAIT TO TRY THESE! Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank youuuu!!

  39. Pingback: Lazy Days (and Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough) « Two Good Cookies

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  41. Pingback: Cooking Endeavors | Te Voy a Decir Algo

  42. I don’t know if anyone’s mentioned this, but PASTEURIZED EGGS EXIST! I was so excited to learn about that, since it means any cookie dough/cake batter recipe can be consumed safely!

    • This is true; there’s also a low risk of salmonella even with other eggs purchased in the U.S. (especially with careful handling and if you wash the shells). However, if you’re making it just to eat (or to use in a recipe), why waste the eggs?

  43. KathyG

    I LOVE Cookie Dough, these are p.e.r.f.e.c.t.! Thanks. If you don’t mind me asking, where did you get the serving dishes, they make the dough look so pretty! Thanks.

  44. Stefanie

    Yum! Thank you for these. Could they be baked into cookies, too? (ya know, as if I won’t eat all the batter as-is) At what time and temp?

    Thanks again!

  45. elizabeth

    thanks for this! i love it! nothing like cookiedough and a good movie cuddled up in a blanket on a sunday night:)

  46. Brahhhh I use to eat the tubes of cookie dough!! I make sugar cookies, and I love cookie dough! So I will have to try this C C one!! Love your blog!

  47. Pingback: Tuesday’s Tantalizing Thoughts! « You Can Get Fit!

  48. I love this recipe and blog…I posted it on my community foodie blog. Hope you can come check it out

    Also, feel free to post you’re recipes or you’re favourite foodie tips on it whenever you like!

  49. Amanda

    As soon as I saw this I had to try the sugar cookie, and my boyfriend wasn’t even a little opposed. I’m sure he’ll love being able to eat raw cookie dough without me yelling at him πŸ™‚ It’s so good! I don’t even miss the egg. Can’t wait to try the Birthday Cake!

  50. Pingback: The best thing that ever happened to me. » Home Sweet Handmade

  51. I just discovered your blog and I CANNOT wait to try this cookie dough!
    YUMMY!!! : )

  52. Starr

    You have a wonderful sense of humor! You had me laughing outloud before I got to your great recipes. I will be following your blog πŸ™‚

  53. Wow, these sound dangerous…as in, “I would devour them in seconds!” What a fun idea for parties:-) I believe I just started following you on Facebook, but happy we will connect on Twitter too:-) Hugs, Terra

  54. My little brother asked if I could make ‘cookie cupcakes’ and after a bit of pondering, I think it may be possible. I had this recipe bookmarked since the kid looooves raw cookie dough so I’m thinking vanilla cupcakes filled with the chocolate chip dough and iced with vanilla buttercream with some chocolate chips on top. I can’t decide if it’s a gross or a genius idea (not a fan of raw dough!) but either way thanks for sparking the idea with this post!

    • You totally can! I’ve done it before — some blogs even make a nice brown sugar “cookie dough” icing. Yum! I hope he loves the finished product — and MAJOR big sister points to you for being willing to make your little bro cupcakes πŸ˜‰ So sweet!!

      • They were actually amazing, so thank you so much for the cookie dough recipe, I may or may not have been picking at the leftover filling all day! I’d never made filled cupcakes before but having read all of your posts I’ve been inspired lately to be a tad more willing to try new things. I’ll stop raving before I sound like a deranged fan, haha.

  55. I have to say, the chocolate chip cookie dough is absolutely delicious!

  56. Pingback: Cake Batter Cookie Dough Truffles | The Domestic Rebel

  57. Pingback: Cookie Dough Stuffed Cupcakes « Good is Better than Perfect

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